I discovered this soup in an old book I had on regional Italian cooking about 30 years ago in a restaurant where we had a lot of potted rosemary and thyme on the patio.
It was exciting to be able to utilize the fresh herbs in this robust vegetable soup with the deliciously creamy texture of the beans. Adding the extra virgin olive oil at the end along with more fresh rosemary gives the soup an almost perfume like sweet kiss.

Over the years I adjusted the soup to this final recipe and one day an older gentleman who ordered it asked me to come to his table. “Did you make this soup?” he asked. “I am from Toscana and this is the best Ribollita I have had. But if my mother finds out I said this I will have to deny it”. He went on to tell me that it should be served over a thick slice of Tuscan bread and that it is better on day 2 and 3. “On the 4th day you don’t sell it anymore but keep it for yourself.” He finished.

Make sure the beans are cooked properly and the fresh rosemary and olive oil puts it over the top.