When making Pho, hot and sour shrimp soup, risotto or a number of shrimp and seafood dishes, it’s great to have some good shrimp stock on hand. Save your shrimp shells every time you peel and make shrimp, it’s easy to keep a ziploc bag in the freezer and just add to it.

I started saving my shrimp shells a long time ago as they take up very little space in the freezer and it is not easy to find just shells to make stock. You can find many different stocks or soup bases but shrimp is not that common. It is very easy to make your own stock and if you save the shells, which usually get thrown out, your stock is almost free.

Making Ramen, Pho or hot and sour soup is pretty easy and quick if you have a good stock and you can use it in risotto, seafood pasta, Gumbo, Jambalaya, Paella and a number of other dishes not to mention shrimp bisque.