Toast skagen is a delicious Swedish shrimp salad toast invented by the famous Swedish chef Tore Wretman. It is very popular during the summer and especially for midsummer but it is also often served during other holidays like New Years, Christmas and Easter.
Skagen is a fishing town or village in northern Denmark that is located on the sea inlet that separates Denmark, Sweden and Norway. This is an area which has been historically very bountiful for fishing.

Skagenröra, which is the name for the shrimp salad is a delicious dish that is usually served as a starter and is seasoned with dill, which is pretty much the national seasoning of Sweden.
When making it, you want to use shrimp from the cold north atlantic which are very sweet and salty from the briney water. If you have to use other shrimp and possibly cook them, do use salted water and chill the shrimp in salted ice water. You can also let the shrimp soak in a salt water brine for a short while. Next you want to squeeze out as much liquid from the shrimp as possible to avoid a wet and soggy salad.
Top the dish with a few nice looking shrimp, a scoop of roe or caviar and some lemon and dill. It is stereotypical Swedish and delicious.