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chicken, poultry, Soups

Chicken soup


This is probably the most popular soup in the world. Of course there are many versions in different countries and cultures all over.

Basic chicken soup is pretty simple and inexpensive to make and learn how to master. The most important ingredient no matter what version you make is, well besides the chicken, a really good stock. You can make a good chicken stock in 1-3 hours, using some bone-in chicken, vegetables and water. Once you have the stock ready just add your vegetables and some chicken meat, your soup will be ready in 30-45 minutes.

Just like a sandwich or a salad, you can then make changes to your liking. Some more well known versions are: Avgolemono from Greece, hot and sour soup from China and other Asian countries, Cock-a-leekie from Scotland, chicken and matzo ball soup Jewish, and a variety of others. We are going to make a basic version here to start with.

Making the chicken stock as a base for the soup .

Chicken vegetable soup

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Recipe by admin


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Chicken soup is popular around the world in many variations. This is a good basic recipe to start with and you can add to it and create your own favorite version.


  • 6 cups 6 chicken stock

  • 1 1/2 cups 1 1/2 chicken thighs – boneless, diced

  • 2 Tbs 2 vegetable oil or butter

  • 2 cups 2 yellow onions

  • 1 cups 1 celery

  • 1 cups 1 carrots

  • 1/2 cup 1/2 leeks

  • 2 cloves 2 garlic

  • 2 whole 2 bay leaves

  • 1 tsp 1 thyme

  • 1/4 tsp 1/4 pepper

  • 2 tsp 2 salt

  • 2 Tbs 2 chopped parsley


  • Wash and peel your vegetables as needed. Dice the vegetables medium, about 1/2 inch dice, crush or chop the garlic and cut the chicken in bite sized pieces, about 1 inch. Measure out all your ingredients.
  • Heat the oil in a roomy soup pot on medium heat and sear the chicken briefly while stirring to sear it all around. Add the chopped vegetables and keep cooking while stirring for about 5-8 minutes until the vegetables soften and become slightly transparent, do not brown.
  • Add the chicken stock (using your own chicken stock without salt will require more salt added – always wait to add the full amount until you have a chance to taste the soup) to the chicken and vegetables and season with the herbs, spices and salt – do not add the parsley, it is for when you serve the soup. Bring the soup to a boil and immediately lower to a simmer.
  • Cook the soup for 30-45 minutes and taste it for flavor and to determine if the vegetables are cooked through. Adjust the seasoning as needed and serve the soup with fresh chopped parsley. See notes below on variation.


  • cutting board, chefs knife, paring knife, peeler
  • soup pot, stirring spoon, ladle
  • measuring spoons and cups


  • You can vary the soup by cutting the vegetables different size, very tiny for a fine soup that will cook quickly or chop the vegetables quite large for a country style soup that will need to cook longer.
  • You can add starchy items to this soup to make it a more substantial meal. Cooked pasta, noodles, rice, barley or potatoes are some items that will make it more filling. Adding other vegetables is also an option but be mindful of what you add as things have different cooking times.

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