
chicken, poultry, Soups

Chicken soup


This is probably the most popular soup in the world. Of course there are many versions in different countries and cultures all over. Basic chicken soup is pretty simple and inexpensive to make and learn how to master. The most important ingredient no matter what version you make is, well […]

Soups, Swedish

Swedish yellow split pea soup


Most thursdays while growing up in Sweden, we were served pea soup. It was a yellow split pea soup with an occasional seed coating as the peas used were whole and the seed coats were removed as the soup cooked. The soup thickens even more from the brown mustard stirred […]

chicken, poultry, Soups

Chicken soup with matzo balls


One of the best parts of cooking in a restaurant or working with food in general is that you get to experience many seasonal items as well as holiday foods and traditions from many cultures. Matzo ball soup or chicken soup with matzo balls is typical for several Jewish holidays. […]

crab, seafood, Soups

Sweet potato and crab bisque


At the end of the summer the seafood season is starting to wind down and you can often find lobster shrimp and crabs on sale. You may also be catching your own at the shore line and thinking about what to do with the abundance. Making a stock and utilizing […]

American, poultry, Soups, turkey

Turkey soup


After the Thanksgiving dinner has been eaten and there is a turkey carcass with some meat left as well as some scraggly pieces of meat on the platter the question is often: What to do with the leftovers? Turkey soup is a lot like chicken soup, made with a really […]

chicken, poultry, Soups

Mulligatawny soup


This soup originated in India a long time ago and was spread to all parts of the world during the British colonial times, which is why there are so many different versions of the recipe. The original was a vegetable soup with dried peas and no cream. During colonial times, […]

seafood, Soups

Bermuda fish chowder


Years ago when I visited the beautiful Island of Bermuda with the pink sands and turquoise water, I discovered that they have an amazing food culture. The hotels and restaurants all have really top notch food and service to match. With that in mind I was quite surprised at being […]

Soups, Vegetables

Bramborova or Czech vegetable mushroom soup


I grew up with my grandmother making this soup after my grandfather and I went mushroom picking. We were in the woods and my grandfather would call out “houbiky, houbiky” which meant mushrooms, mushrooms while the 4 year old me ran around frantically looking for them and at the same […]