
Bistro, chicken, poultry

Roast Chicken


For me nothing beats a roast chicken dinner with mashed potatoes and a tossed salad. When somebody asks me what I would like for my birthday dinner, I answer: roast chicken – every time. I do enjoy oysters, lobster, steaks, sushi and a lot of other luxurious and special foods […]

Bistro, French, poultry

Duck confit


The last time I was in Paris I tried to eat in mainly traditional small bistros that served classic bistro fare. The city is so beautiful and offers art, history, and architecture in museums and parks all over the town. You often end up walking for hours not realizing how […]

Bistro, French, Meat, poultry



Cassoulet sounds interesting, sounds good, and makes you think of something French and probably delicious. But what is it? Historically it was a peasant dish of beans and mostly scrap meat which was put together in an earthenware casserole dish and cooked for the better part of the day. Some […]

Beef, Bistro, French

Boeuf Bourguignon


As we walked through the Bastille market on a rainy Sunday last time in Paris, we looked at the amazing white asparagus and fresh strawberries that the produce vendors were selling. Every one of them was picture perfect and without a blemish. Next was the fishmonger with fresh St Pierre […]