
chicken, poultry, Soups

Chicken soup


This is probably the most popular soup in the world. Of course there are many versions in different countries and cultures all over. Basic chicken soup is pretty simple and inexpensive to make and learn how to master. The most important ingredient no matter what version you make is, well […]

Bistro, chicken, poultry

Roast Chicken


For me nothing beats a roast chicken dinner with mashed potatoes and a tossed salad. When somebody asks me what I would like for my birthday dinner, I answer: roast chicken – every time. I do enjoy oysters, lobster, steaks, sushi and a lot of other luxurious and special foods […]

chicken, poultry, Soups

Chicken soup with matzo balls


One of the best parts of cooking in a restaurant or working with food in general is that you get to experience many seasonal items as well as holiday foods and traditions from many cultures. Matzo ball soup or chicken soup with matzo balls is typical for several Jewish holidays. […]

American, poultry, Soups, turkey

Turkey soup


After the Thanksgiving dinner has been eaten and there is a turkey carcass with some meat left as well as some scraggly pieces of meat on the platter the question is often: What to do with the leftovers? Turkey soup is a lot like chicken soup, made with a really […]

chicken, poultry, Soups

Mulligatawny soup


This soup originated in India a long time ago and was spread to all parts of the world during the British colonial times, which is why there are so many different versions of the recipe. The original was a vegetable soup with dried peas and no cream. During colonial times, […]

Cajun, chicken, Creole, poultry, Shrimp



As I look for food inspiration during the cold and dark days of February there is often talk of Mardi Gras. It is the carnival in New Orleans that takes place the week before Ash Wednesday and lent. New Orleans is known for great food, particularly the Cajun and Creole […]

Basic steps, poultry, stock, turkey

Turkey stock


To make a basic turkey stock for utilizing in soups and sauces, you can use the recipes for chicken stock or dark chicken stock. This will keep it mild, neutral and very versatile. I often do this after certain holidays when stores are selling turkeys very cheap. You can use […]